Louisiana Sporting Clays Association
December 2022 Newsletter REGISTERED SHOOTS (Please check Shooterspages before you travel)
November 11/12 -- Wilderness Gun Club November 12/13 -- Wild Wings November 19--3D Shooting Center November 26 -- Ed's Sporting Clays Range December 3 -- Bridgeview December 9/10 Wilderness Gun Club December 17th -- 3D Shooting Center
Good News
Louisiana was fortunate to have two LSCA members elected to the NSCA Executive Council (EC) for the 2023-2024 term. Both Bert Stelly and Dan Lavergne will take office on January 1, 2023. The EC is the 15 person Board elected from the pool of NSCA National Delegates. Our Region (South Central) has a total of three representatives on the EC, John Calandro III (TX), Bert Stelly (LA) and Dan Lavergne (LA). The EC is responsible for executive decisions that provide guidance for the continued growth of the NSCA.
Shoot the Boot Updates
1. Media Advertising. To meet deadlines the LSCA has placed an Insertion Order (reserved space) in the Clay Target Nation for: a. December 2022 -- Full Page Advertisement Clay Target Nation print edition. b. Rotating Advertisement in electronic Target Talk to run the month prior to the actual shoot. -- December 2022 -- Sugar Classic (1/7-8/23) -- January 2023 -- Mardi Gras Open (2/10-11/23) -- February 2023 -- Houma Clay Rodeo (3/18-19/23) -- March 2023 LA Good Friday Shoot (4/7-8-/23) -- April 2023 LA State Championship (5/18-21/23) -- May 2023 AFS Championship (6/17/23) -- June 2023 Ark/La/Tex Challenge (7/15/23) -- July 2023 Watermelon Classic (8/12-13/23) -- August 2023 South Central Regional (9/13-17/23) -- September 2023 Nationals Warm Up (10/14/23) -- October 2023 Voodoo Clays (11/11-12/23) -- November 2023 Christmas Lights (12/2/23)
Watch for the advertising in Clay Target Nation and Target Talk. Mark your calendars, you don't want to miss these shoots.
2. LSCA is gathering local hotel information for each of the Boot the Shoot Events to be posted on the LSCA website.
3. A second printing of the Shoot the Boot flyers has been completed. We exhausted the first run of flyers by going door to door asking for sponsorships. Posters with Shoot the Boot information have been placed at all Clubs.
4. We still need about 30 Station Sponsors ($250 each) to accomplish all of our goals. Please consider going to the LSCA website (you can pay by credit card) and purchase a Station sponsorship for $250 or take advantage of the larger sponsorships that are available.
Finally, I would like to thank Thomas Sparks, John Ballance and Gary Littlefield for their tremendous efforts this last month. Special thanks goes to John Ballance for setting up the ability of LSCA members to purchase Barepelt vests and creating the print advertising copy to be placed in Clay Target Nation to meet the deadline.
Barepelt Vests
The good looking LSCA logo vests can be ordered directly from Barepelt. www.barepelt.com When you enter the website look for "Club Vests". The two color versions of the LSCA vest are listed. Also, you need to put your NSCA # in your order to have the NSCA patch placed on your vest. The LSCA will receive a small commission (10% each) upon your purchase of a vest. Proceeds will be spent on trophies for the State Championship.
How about Nationals this Year?
The 2022 NSCA National Championship, that just finished in San Antonio, was the largest clay target event ever held in the world. 2319 participants attended including 295 ladies. There was a special reception for first time attendees plus a Ladies Only seminar and event. From all accounts, the hospitality of the NSCA was over the top this year. The targets were National Championship quality (easy to miss, lots of transition, technical and some were just plain fun). If you have not attended a National Championship before, you should consider attending at least once in your life. It has been described as a combination of industry Trade Show and a Family Reunion (with a large portion of amateur sporting clays competition thrown in for good measure).
Final Note
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. It is a great time of the year to be with friends and family during the Holiday Season. Dan Lavergne President, LSCA Questions or Comments: Contact Dan Lavergne at 337-962-3822 or Dan@edcnow.com