Upcoming Registered Shoots
(As Always, please check Lashooterspages before traveling)
July 6th -- Ed's Sporting Clays Range
July 13th -- Bridgeview Gun Club
July 13th -- Red Chute Gun Club
July 20th -- Covey Rise Gun Club
July 27th -- Natchitoches Sportsman's Assoc
Louisiana State Championship
Covey Rise was the host of the 2024 Louisiana State Sporting Clays Championship. As usual, the participants were treated to the legendary Covey Rise hospitality. Jimbo and his staff did a wonderful job of conducting the event. The Targets: What can I say? Joseph and Royce set a championship course which challenged the shooters and offered a wide variety of targets and presentations. (During the main event, I had personal reservations that Joseph and Royce did not know how to throw a straight target. It looked to me that all targets were in transition.) Thank you everyone at Covey Rise for your hard work to make this event successful.
As per the LSCA custom, the LSCA sent Covey Rise $14k to pay for trophies and food at the 2024 State Championship. The $14k represents all of the 2023 target fees, less operating expenses (such as insurance, etc.). 2023 was an exceptional year because of the success of the "2023 Shoot the Boot" promotion. We ended up with about 40% more money than usual to support the trophies and food at the 2024 State Championship. Thank you members for contributing $0.03 a target during 2023. The LSCA gave every penny back to the membership.
And the winner of the 2024 Louisiana State Championship is David King
This is the second Louisiana State Championship for David. He added the 2024 championship to his 2019 win. In 2019, I think we gave David a trophy buckle, this year he received a trophy baseball bat in LSU colors. (He is going to have to get a larger trophy case.) David makes his home in North Louisiana in Simsboro, Louisiana. He is married to Jessica and has a daughter Rebecca. He started shooting sporting clays in 2012 and has found time to compete while working at a full time job. David can best be described as a friendly fellow with a charming North Louisiana accent. Congratulations, David!
Membership Drive Update
The NSCA has sent me an updated Louisiana membership list. The list contains 751 names. Our goal is 1,000 members by the end of 2024. We just completed a 1,000 flyer reprint of the "Welcome to Sporting Clays" flyer. Cajun Guns and Gear in Lafayette sponsored the second printing of this flyer that we want to distribute to fundraiser participants. New LSCA signage has been distributed to the Clubs with QR codes for easy access to LSCA information. (New members can now sign up for a Complimentary Limited Membership --CLM-- on line on the NSCA website.) Ask a new shooter to join you at your next Registered Shoot. (His/her CLM membership is free.)
Greenbacks and Buckles Series
June 1st started the 2024 Greenbacks and Buckles Series of sporting clays events. All Registered targets broken between June and December 2024 count as one point (12 gauge, Sub Gauge and Reshoots count) in this Race. At the end of December the LSCA will give the Class and Concurrent highest point count winners a choice of cash or a beautiful trophy buckle. To spread the wealth, one prize per individual. In the event, the individual qualifies for two prizes (Class & Concurrent) the second prize with go to the #2 person in the Concurrent. Our official statistical wizard (Scott Doucet) will keep track of the points for the LSCA. The purpose of this Race is to reward the members that had the most fun breaking targets. So come early and shoot late and enjoy the Registered shoots.
Promotional Material about this fun series of shoots is at all Clubs.
Current Race Results Reported by Scott Doucet
(Top 3 shooters)
Class Targets Broken
Glenn Allemand 752
Scott Boudreaux 739
Chad Johnson 674
Kaley Hill 577
Chris Gray 576
Les Babin 574
Jerry Madden 688
Todd Comeaux 686
Mike Couvillon 676
R P Breaux 634
Chris Lee 475
Christine Smith 434
David Smith Jr 487
Candice Breaux 458
Chris Hilburn 410
Keith Morris 432
Bill Harpmann 345
Roland Leblanc 330
John Rispone 332
Michael Leach 269
Craig Robchaux 232
Sub Junior
Aiden Mccartney 465
Luke Schulze 380
Gus Doise 265
Collin Sims 524
Coy Richard 502
William Palmer 422
Candice Breaux 458
Christine Smith 434
Lucy Murphy 355
Todd Comeaux 686
Keith Tally 672
E J Cavalier 669
Super Vet
Glenn Allemand 752
Jerry Madden 688
Mike Couvillion 676
Sr Super Vet
Dan Lavergne 589
Andy Marsala 472
Archie Tuttle 389
Ruben Spell 517
Jean Dp Blair 75
There is plenty of time left for anyone to win this Race. So go to a LSCA Registered Shoot and have fun!!!
Many Thanks To
Cajun Gun and Gear, Lafayette, LA 337-999-0373 for paying for the second printing of 1,000 New to Sporting Clays Brochure. (The first printing of 500 flyers has been distributed).
Steven Berger, Bergs Outdoors, 106 Kol Dr., Broussard, LA 70518 504-610-4319 steven@bergsout.com for renewing his sponsorship the newsletter cost for another year.
1. Always point the shotgun in a safe direction (which is away from people).
2. Always keep your shotgun unloaded until you are in the stand ready to shoot. (Visual conformation --- Chamber open for auto/pump and break open for O/U.)
3. Always keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.
4. Be aware and follow posted Club Safety rules.
Final Note
I would like to thank the LSCA Officers and Board Members for their support and help in running the Association. Without these volunteers we would not have as many opportunities to shoot sporting Clays.
With the current heat wave in mind, please stay hydrated.
Have a wonderful July.
Dan Lavergne
Questions or comments: Dan@edcnow.com or 337-962-3822
Newsletter Sponsor
Steven Berger, Bergs Outdoors
106 Kol Dr., Broussard, LA 70518 504-610-4319