Sugar Classic Details
LSCA is excited to share details on the Sugar Classic scheduled for January 7-8, 2023 at Bridgeview Gun Club in Port Allen, Louisiana.
The team at Bridgeview has big plans for the event, bringing in extra machines to provide 700 registered targets over two days.
Courses Offered:
Sugar Classic Main Event:
Combined score of 100 target Saturday Main and 100 target Sunday Main
Each day is a separate event, you may choose to shoot only one day but must shoot both to qualify for a trophy.
Sugar Kettle Class Trophies for M-E class champions
Super Sporting
100 Target Saturday Supersport
100 Target Sunday Supersport
100 Target 5-Stand
Same targets both days
Shot on two 50 target layouts
50 target sub-gauge sporting (20ga. & 28ga.)
A 50 target 20 and 28 gauge course will be overlaid on the main Saturday and Sunday. (Two 50-target 20ga Events and two 50-target 28ga events)
Must turn in main event scorecard to receive sub-gauge scorecards
A big “Thank You!” to our event sponsor West Baton Rouge Parish Convention and Visitors Bureau for enabling some lagniappe for the inaugural SugarClassic!
Saturday Morning Beignets
Stop by the kitchen at 7:30AM Saturday for coffee and a sweet Louisiana treat
Saturday Night Bonfire Social at 6:00 PM
Bonfire and drinks after shooting completes
PRE-REGISTER TODAY ON SCORECHASER! ======================================== LSCA Hats and Shirts
Planning and Promotions Committee member, John Ballance, has set up a program for us to order LSCA hats and shirts. These items will be offered in batches so order your good-looking LSCA logo shirts and hats at These items will be offered for a limited time in order to make it economically feasible for the vendor to sell these items. You have about a week to place your order. The vendor, Fauxpasprints, will handle all of the sales/sales tax, shipping and billing on line. This is a direct sale by Fauxpasprints and the LSCA will not receive any commissions the sale of the merchandise. This is the first time the LSCA has logo hats and shirts available for sale. Many thanks to John for setting this up for us.
==================================== I would like to wish everyone a Happy Holiday Season and hope to see you at Bridgeview in January.
Dan Lavergne, President LSCA